Thursday, February 09, 2006

Oooh dos

The Spanish pronounce everything in Spanish. Last weekend I was at a bar called Sala Sidecar (sala means room in Spanish). The locals call it Sala See-day-car, which is how it would be pronounced if it were a Spanish word. My favorite so far is oooh dos. You know, oooh dos, the Irish rock band?

My theory is that Americans are actually the same way, but it's just less obvious because there's far less foreign influence in the US. Americans say uh-rack rather than ee-rock when referring to that country we invaded, but that's the only example I can think of and it falls somewhere near that fine line between mispronunciation and speaking with a different accent. See-day-car is definitely mispronunciation. I bet, though, that if U2 were a Spanish rock band, a lot of Americans would say "you two" instead of "oooh dos".


At 8:33 PM, Blogger Shane said...

This is not really the same, but do you think it upsets other countries that lots of American rock and heavy metal bands use foreign punctation for entirely aesthetic purposes? The best example is rock can check out a nice compilation about rock dots on the wikipedia here

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Sam said...

...and that's why I love the internet. I bet other countries are more amused than annoyed by American bands' strange choices of punctuation.

Years ago I saw Motley Crue Behind the Music (yeah, I know), and they were talking about how they thought it would "look cool" to put those little dots in their name. One of the first of many well-throught-out business decisions, I'm sure.


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