Hell Yes
I GOT PAID!! I got paid I got paid I got paid I got paid! Oh joy, oh bliss, oh happy day! ...I only got paid for half the month of January, unfortunately, because of boring details that will interest no one, so no shopping spree or trip to Paris just yet, dammit. But still, I can pay my rent without using any more dollars, and I can go out without being a total cheapass. Very good news. And Columbia retains the award for the most incompetent institution ever.
My apartment is on the top floor of my building. (I'm gonna try to live only in penthouses from now on--I know, good luck with that.) That, combined with the draftiness, makes it feel downright apocalyptic in here when it's windy and rainy. Which is ALL THE FUCKING TIME lately. What is this shit?? I was supposed to be moving to paradise, not a more humid version of March in New York City. ...Sorry, got carried away there. I do hate rain. It's actually kinda cool inside my apartment when it rains because I can hear it on the roof. If the apartment were actually warm and I didn't have to go outside, this weather would be great....
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