Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Passing Feeling

I'm trying to remember how various things feel right now, because inevitably I'll get used to them and then they won't feel the same. Like motorcycles. Eventually I'll get used to the fact that they come whizzing by out of nowhere on streets so narrow you forget they're not sidewalks. For now, though, they continue to freak me out sometimes.

Speaking of getting used to things, I think I've more or less come to terms with my bathroom. As long as the hot water keeps working (knock on wood), I think I can deal with its smallness. And the fact that I have to dry my hair in the kitchen/dining/living room--for some reason my blow dryer has started overheating and shutting itself off when I plug it in in the bathroom. Whatever.

I've noticed that a lot of receipts and even the occasional menu here still list costs in pesetas as well as in euros. Spain has been on the euro for four years now--who cares about pesetas?


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