Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Soy un perdedor

SHIT. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. God damn me. My students are having a quiz tomorrow and I was supposed to pick up the quizzes from the secretary today but I forgot and now it's late and everyone's gone and the doors are locked and my class starts early tomorrow and if the secretary isn't in before that I am totally FUCKED. God damn me, I totally suck. The quiz was gonna be a big mess anyway, because there are a total of 8 different versions of it (to try and cut down on cheating) and even though my sections are in English the students have the option of taking the quiz in Catalan. Argh. But it's gonna be a much bigger mess if there are no quizzes. Shit.

And oh my god being broke sucks. I'm basically counting cents (centimos, en EspaƱol) right now and praying I get paid before my rent is due. I'm letting people buy me coffee. I'm hoping at least I'll lose weight.... Okay, I'm being a little bit full of shit here. It's not that I don't have money, I just don't have euros and I'm being a cheapass about converting American dollars. I deserve no sympathy. But it's easy to get wrapped up in my pseudo-brokeness. Social security number, where are you?


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