Wednesday, January 18, 2006

American Girls are so Easy

I've been spending too much time at Tabacs. Cheaper than spending too much time at El Corte Inglés, but more likely to make me fat. Anyway, I was there the other day buying snacks and wasn't sure what I wanted so I bought this bag of what looked like some kind of nuts with a Spanish name I didn't recognize.* [It's my new way of dealing with indecision--opt for the choice about which I'm the least informed.] And they were really good! So I was eating them and wondering about this new Spanish delicacy I'd happened upon when I typed 'cacahuetes' into Google to find out exactly what I was eating. Do you know what cacahuetes are? Peanuts. Peanuts. I got all excited over some goddamn peanuts. Christ, what a twit I am.

Anyway. Teaching was much better this week. The students were quieter and have started asking me questions, so I'm glad for that. It seems like the less coherent I am, though, the more they pay attention. Not really a beneficial feedback loop. My phone rang in class today, making me feel like an unprofessional spaz. No one ever calls me here, and then the phone goes and rings the one time I accidentally bring it to class. When I was at Harvard and Columbia, students' phones rang in class not that uncommonly, but not here. Just mine. Oh well. And I am covered in chalk. It's hard to be the young hip professor when you're inadvertently dressed like an absent-minded physicist.

*¿Como se dice 'run-on sentence' en español?


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