Friday, January 27, 2006

Here Comes the Sun

Spain is waaaaay over on the west end of the Central European time zone, which means that the sun rises late and sets late. There's not a ton of daylight here in the dead of winter (latitude-wise, Barcelona is in between Boston and New York--the reason that the climates are so different I think has something to do with jet streams), so right now the sun doesn't come up until around 8am. Which is great because it means I can watch the sun rise without having to wake up crazy early. The picture I took the other day from my roof deck (my apartment is definitely not all bad). Yesterday morning I went for a run by the beach and, if I hadn't hit snooze and had tied my shoes a little faster, I would have gotten to see the sun come up over the Mediterranean. Life is pretty good.

Unfortunately, though, the weather channel is predicting snow and rain for tomorrow. I'm seriously freaking out about this. Partly because I've already gotten soft, partly because cold weather is colder here. Nothing is heated properly (except the subway--I think every subway train in the history of the world has been way too hot in the winter), and it's pretty humid. So it's that damp cold that gets under your skin and then you can't get warm. 50-degree weather (that's 10° C) in New York doesn't require a heavy winter coat; here it kinda does. Please don't snow. Please don't snow. Please don't snow.


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