Friday, February 17, 2006

"Lightly unwrap one flap."

I rarely read instructions but, when I do, I tend to follow them to the letter. Even if faced with overwhelming evidence that said instructions, or my interpretation of them, are wrong. Lightly unwrap one flap, when written about a microwave dinner, to me says "Peel back one corner of the cover of the microwave dinner." So that's what I did. Even though the cover was clearly made of foil, and therefore clearly needed to come off entirely. Microwave sparking, I cursed bad translation before I cursed myself and my arbitrary pigheadedness. Now, you may be thinking "Okay, American girl, you're in Spain now, read the Spanish instructions." Or something like that. And you might have a point. If the Spanish microwave dinner in question actually had Spanish instructions. But these lentejas jardinera (garden lentils), product of Spain, had cooking instructions in English, French, Portuguese, and German. Maybe there were subliminal Spanish instructions hidden in those other languages, I dunno, but they certainly weren't written anywhere that I could find them. Ingredients in Spanish, yes, and the package did say ¡Listo! ¡Calentar y comer! (Ready! Heat and eat!), which I guess is all you really need to know. If you're not such a stubborn dumbass as to get tripped up by the English translation and leave the foil on.

You may also be thinking something to the effect of "If you're gonna eat a dinner as pathetic as microwave lentils, you get no sympathy." That one I guess I deserve.


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