Wednesday, May 03, 2006

There's no Spain in baseball!

I'm trying. I'm really trying. Last night I got a little bit lazy about staying up to watch the Red Sox-Yankees game, but tonight I did it. 1am on NASN (North American Sports Network, the single source for American sports here in Spain): Sox-Yankees live. What else would the Irish bars be showing at 1am on a Tuesday?

I have yet to meet anyone here who's willing to stay up all night with me on a Tuesday to watch baseball, so I went by myself. More adventurous that way. And I was excited. I haven't watched baseball since the Sox got knocked out of the playoffs last year, and they're in first place (in their division, anyway) and playing the Yankees.

Do you know what the Irish bars were showing? Hockey. Turns out Spain is on some different NASN satellite that doesn't necessarily show what the NASN website says it's gonna show and whose programming schedule seems to be available nowhere. Mierda. And if it doesn't show the Red Sox playing the Yankees, it must never show baseball. At least not until hockey and basketball seasons are over. Spain is just not a baseball country. At all. I like hockey okay, but not enough to stay up all night drinking expensive Guinness with tourists. Joder.

And, in other news, there was this woman in line in front of me at the grocery store tonight buying ketchup. The bottle was bright red and said Sabor tradicional, autèntic Ketchup (that's "traditional flavor, authentic ketchup" in Catalan), and it had pictures of a hamburger, a hot dog, and french fries. It kind of made me feel sorry for her.

[Late addition: Turns out the ball game was rained out so I didn't miss anything. And could have just stayed home. Whatever.]


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