Sunday, April 30, 2006

Two piles of dirt

One of the works on display at the Antoni Tàpeis Foundation is called Deus piles de terra. And that pretty much sums it up.

Do you ever catch yourself doing something gross? I was walking down the street today trying to put my earplug-style headphones in my ears and zip my purse at the same time, when I realized I had put one of my earplugs in my mouth. An earplug that spends a lot of time in my ear. Yuck.

It's kind of a big deal that I was using headphones at all, though. When I first got here I never took my iPod out with me. Partly because everything was new and different and exciting and I wanted to take it all in without distraction, but mostly because I was afraid of getting robbed. I'm still careful and watch my back and generally avoid certain streets after dark, but I'm not afraid anymore. Barcelona isn't out to get me; I always knew that, but it took being here a while to really believe it. That said, I have two iPods and it's the old one that I take out with me. I'm not scared, but why tempt fate?


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