Monday, February 27, 2006

Hey, buddy, would you like to buy a watch real cheap?

Sitges is the place to be for Carnaval in Spain. It's half an hour down the coast from Barcelona, with a beautiful church right on the water and a large gay community. It's small, and the Carnaval revelry was mostly confined to a few blocks of one street. Costumes involved a lot of drag and a lot of sombreros--also of note were two guys dressed as sperm and a group of people in identical cow costumes. My friend and I made friends with these Brazilians who seemed really excited about us after they heard us speaking English--weird because there were tons of foreigners there, including lots of other Americans. We really weren't that novel. By about 1am we were all Carnaval-ed out (okay I was all Carnaval-ed out because I drank too much, whatever). Getting home was kind of an adventure because it turns out that "Trains run until 4am" means "Trains stop at midnight and then there's one at 4am." But we were able to get on a bus without even paying, so no real harm done. Sorry, that's as crazy as my Carnaval experience got.

I was hungover today, anyway, and seriously considered bailing on plans to go to the MirĂ³ museum. I'm glad I didn't--it was the intellectual equivalent of eating spicy greasy Mexican food when you're hungover. (If only I could have done both--haven't found any good Mexican food here yet.) I really like museums that focus on a single artist because the really great ones always produced things completely different from what made them famous, but you tend not to see that stuff in regular museums. MirĂ³ also did a lot of sculpture and some strange rugwork in addition to paining, so there was all kinds of different stuff to see. Not a lot of variability in his titles, though--pretty much everything was some variation on a woman, a bird, or a woman with a bird, although the paintings rarely had easily discernible women or birds. You've gotta love modern art.


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