Is that, like, California?
Some have accused my Spanish teacher of not being a "real" teacher. Whatever that means. (I'm still waiting for someone to accuse me of not being a "real doctor". It's gonna be great.) It's true that Spanish class consists of a lot of chatting, but that's practice. And I've learned the hard way that being able to conjugate and being able to speak are very, very different. Anyway, just last night in class we somehow got on the topic of the media, and this Dutch guy said that although the print media in the US can be okay, the televised news is all the same and all a bunch of fluff. I agreed with the fluff part, but nearly started yelling about how Fox News is worse than the rest. (I never even watched TV in the US, what do I know?) Little did I know that we were only a day away from the fluff factor's being raised to about the thousandth power. Katie Couric is taking over the CBS Evening News? What the FUCK? What is the US televised news coming to? What is the world coming to? Network news wasn't a pillar of journalistic integrity before, I know, but Katie Couric? Kill your television!
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