Monday, March 27, 2006

Ooh, ooh that smell

There's this certain smell you get from spending a warm day outside in a city. Kind of a mix of dirt and sweat and sunshine. It's not a good smell, exactly, but it's a good way to smell because it means you've been outside all day. I've been smelling like that a lot lately (was that too much information?) and it's pretty great. Winter here sucks, but it's already over and it's only March. I'm sitting in a park writing this and some tropical birds just flew by. I'm not sure what kind they are; they look like big parakeets and they're bright green. Sometimes when I'm walking I'll look up and see one in a palm tree and remember that I'm in a very different place. And speaking of strange animals, there's a guy over there with a ferret on a leash. I know people keep ferrets as pets; I didn't know they take them for walks. Which reminds me, the Spanish word for hardware store is ferreteria, which makes me laugh to myself about ferret stores.

Sign posted in the bar where I bought a sandwich for lunch:
Hitler no fumaba. Franco tampoco. AquĆ­, se permite fumar.
Translation: Hitler didn't smoke. Neither did Franco. Here, you can smoke.


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