Thursday, June 15, 2006

Not Aragorn

I saw one of my students from last semester today. Wearing a Hooters shirt. Weird.

Anyway, I'm going to Aragón (it's just west of Catalunya). The lease on my apartment ends at the end of the month. After that I'm gonna hit the road and wander around Spain for a while, but I wasn't sure where to start. I was waiting for inspiration. Then I went art shopping with some friends, and one of them bought a painting of a scene in Aragón by an Aragonese (Aragonian?) artist. The painting is of a desert with trees, and apparently those kind of trees only grow in the Aragonese desert. So I'm off to the desert to find the trees. Very exciting.

The woman who sold him the painting is also from Aragón and knows the artist. The whole transaction was very good Spanish practice because my friend buying the painting doesn't speak Spanish and the woman selling the painting didn't speak much English. It got really confusing filling out paperwork to get the tax refunded (when Americans and maybe others buy expensive things in Eurupe they can sometimes have the tax refunded but you have to fill out forms and stand in a line at the airport), but it would have been a confusing conversation even in English so I didn't feel so bad.

And isn't "I decided to go to Aragón after a friend bought an Aragonese painting" the perfect opening line for something (not sure what yet)?


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