Thursday, May 11, 2006


I think you could have beaten me with sticks today and, as long as the beating didn't take place on a bus, I'd have been okay with it. There's not that much to do in Málaga, so it was kind of okay that I was lazy and spent an hour having coffee this morning. I was observing people, that counts. I see a lot of people drinking decaffeinated coffee here in Andalucia; you can tell it's decaf because it's served as a glass of hot milk with a packet of instant coffee. Yuck. I don't think I've ever noticed anyone in Barcelona drinking decaffeinated coffee. And speaking of coffee, it is so good here in Spain. I don't know what my problem was before, but I've completely come around to Spanish coffee. I am gonna be such a pain in the ass back in the US.

Anyway, Málaga has a really beautiful cathedral. I keep thinking that I'm done with cathedrals (they can be kind of expensive and start to all look the same after a while) but then whenever I see one that's really nice from the outside I end up wanting to go in. So I paid the 3.50€ for the Málaga cathedral, and it wasn't so special. It had some nice art, though, and when this woman asked me where the exit was I understood her and was able to answer. Small victories. And Málaga has an okay modern art museum.

Málaga also has an Alhambra-like castle/fortress on a hill, but I just couldn't get that excited about it after seeing the Alhambra. [Whoa! A guy in MC Hammer pants just walked past me. Remember those pants that are tight around the calves and the crotch goes down to your knees? Straight out of 1989. I've seen a few people around Spain wearing similar pants, but these are the most authentically MC Hammer that I've seen.] It's also really cloudy today, and spring in Barcelona has made me even more intolerant of less-than-ideal weather. Makes me want to stay inside and have coffee all day. Or wine. They make sweet wine here; it tastes like port. It's good. Port is from Portugal, you know.


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